1600's Sabbath Keepers and Persecution in England

    By the early sixteen hundreds, groups of seventh day sabbath keepers began to surface throughout Britain.  An article entitled "Sabbath" in "Chambers' Encyclopedia " tells us that in England during this time period: 

    "Many conscientious and independent thinkers advocated the seventh day.  Sabbath keepers now commonly came into historical view."
    In Britain, which was no longer under domination of the Roman church, these sabbath and commandment keeping Christians enjoyed a moment of rest in the sun, so to speak, but in 1661 an incident involving John James, a minister of a sabbath keeping congregation, changed all that. 

    One day while preaching to his assembly the police broke up the sabbath meeting by literally dragging James from his pulpit.  He and thirty other members of his church group were taken into custody.  Those who refused to pledge an oath of allegiance to the King of England, who is also the head of the Anglican church, were sent to prison.  James himself, who was charged with treason, was sentenced to be "hanged, drawn and quartered".  After he was hung, his heart was cut out of it's cavity and burned, his quartered body was hung on the gates of the city and his head was set on a pole outside the church group's place of worship. 

    The handwriting was on the wall -    
    True Christians once again had to seek safety from persecution, this time - across the ocean to a "New World", where they hoped they would find a land where they could finally worship in freedom.

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The Great Falling Away by Joseph Santora --- ©1998-2002 True Christian Ministries